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How to Beat an Acne Outbreak

A. Definition of Acne

Acne is a common skin disease, in fact, dominant that affects all nations, races and genders regardless of their ethnic background geographical location or environmental conditions. The resulting impact is even more difficult. According to a recent survey conducted in the US, about 25% of adults and 31% of teens surveyed said that acne sometimes makes them not participate in social activities. Has been. Today, dermatologists have a consensus that only a few people survive their adolescence without suffering at least occasional acne. For many people, zits continue into adulthood, causing embarrassment and encouraging acne sufferers to find cosmetic counters to cover these places.

What is Acne? - Acne is a very common and sad condition that affects the skin oil glands. Small holes in your skin (pores) are connected to the oil glands under the skin. This gland makes an oily substance called sebum. The pores are connected to the gland by a channel called the follicle. When the skin follicle follicles become blocked, this is when acne develops. Most acne are usually found on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders but can appear literally anywhere. Acne can cause unsightly and rare but not life-threatening scars. Acne develops when the hair, sebum and skin cells collect to form the plug. Then when the plug starts to break, the zit will grow. Acne is the most common skin disease. Men and women of all ages and races can get acne even though it is generally believed to be a juvenile disease as is most common in adolescents and adults. As many as 80% of the population between the ages of 11 and 30 will experience some form of acne. 

Even those who are old, as old as the fifties (though less common) can suffer from acne. The single cause of acne in the first place is not established, even though people have many theories. To clear up a misunderstanding, diet certainly does not cause acne, although many people believe this is true. Whether you eat lots of fatty foods or lots of chocolate and chips do not play a role in acne even though it is true that eating well can only benefit your skin, acne is not caused by what you eat.

B. Classification of acne according to age and sex

Acne statistics for age - According to general statistics, acne usually starts around puberty and lasts into adulthood, although acne can last for years, regardless of age. Likewise, baby acne affects about 20% of newborn babies. About 25% of teenagers will still have acne at the age of 25. More than 80% of acne sufferers are aged between 12 and 24 years. Acne affects about 90% of adolescents and 20-30% of adults aged 20 to 40 years.

Acne statistics for gender - Perhaps because of their frequent hormonal variations and mood swings, women make 75% of adult acne cases. Often acne is the worst during adolescence and begins to subside during the twenties. But for some people, acne remains throughout adulthood even though it is often in a milder form.

Acne statistics for the site - Acne affects the face in 99% of cases. Other sites that are less affected are the back, neck, buttocks and even arms. Last but not least, given that 80% of the population between the ages of 12 and 24 will get acne to one degree or another, acne is a very serious and widespread problem. For many people, the problem of acne can continue throughout their lives to adulthood, even though they are told as teenagers that they will "overcome" it.

C. Definition of Acne According to a doctor and dermatologist

Doctors and dermatologists believe it can go down to an increase in hormones during puberty which can cause the oil glands to clog and clog. Older women can have acne because of hormonal changes during pregnancy and those who take oral contraceptive pills can also suffer from acne as a side effect. If you have a close family member who suffers from acne, there is also a very good chance for you too because it is hereditary. Some medications, especially some antibiotics can cause spots and use oil-based cosmetics that are very oily. Acne can be treated with OTC (Over the counter) cream or topical face cream or in severe cases, antibiotics and / or steroids for a certain period are determined depending on the type of acne you have and the severity. The faster the acne is treated the lower the incidence of scarring. Your doctor will be able to advise or refer you to a dermatologist (skin specialist) who can work with you so you get the best care. Understanding the various stages of acne A zits gradation - Based on the level or severity of the signs and symptoms produced in acne, this disorder can be categorized into three main stages or the main level as follows:

Mild acne ("whiteheads" and "blackheads") Mils acne, also known as non-inflammatory acne, is caused by stoppers of dead skin cells and oil in channels containing hair, beneath the surface of the skin. In fact, rubbing the skin or using rough or coarse soap can irritate the skin and make acne worse. Mild acne usually does not leave permanent marks on the skin. Moderate to moderate acne - This type of acne, also known as acne inflammation, consists of several white comedones, blackheads, papules and pustules that cover from the top of the face and / or other parts of the body. Can be treated with antibiotic lotions or gels, and retinoic acid. Retinoic acid is a form of change from vitamin A. This helps prevent whiteheads and black heads.

D. Description of Acne in Women

Severe acne. Severe acne is rare and consists of a mixture of inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne having all types of lesions including severe inflammatory lesions (pustus marked redness) and possible cystic lesions (0.5 cm diameter lesions with soft upper parts that lose their inflammation). It is most common to have a mixture of lesions at one time. You must see a dermatologist to treat this type of acne. Scars can be prevented with proper care. Topical treatment alone will not be effective in treating severe inflammatory acne because it cannot penetrate deeply through the skin's surface to treat inflamed nodules and cysts. "You will learn how to look better, by permanently removing your zits within 3 days.

Severe acne requires systemic treatment (drugs taken orally). Systemic therapy causes the distribution of drugs throughout the organism. Your dermatologist can prescribe oral antibiotics and oral contraceptives. Large inflamed cysts can be treated with drug injections that reduce redness, swelling, and irritation, and improve healing.

Acne & Woman Connection! Why does acne love women when they don't like having it? Did you know that most young women and men will have at least some acne during their lives? However, interestingly enough, acne seems to affect men and women in different ways. Young men are more likely to have more serious forms of acne. Acne in young women tends to be more random and related to hormonal changes, such as the menstrual cycle. When women get older, acne often gets better. But some women have acne for years. Some women even get acne for the first time at the age of 30 or 40 years. For many women, acne can be an annoying disease. Women may have feelings of depression, poor body image, or low self-esteem. But you don't have to wait to deal with acne or let it run. Today, almost every case of acne can be overcome. Acne can also, sometimes, be prevented. Talk to your doctor or dermatologist (doctors who are experts in skin diseases).

E. Factors that trigger acne in women - Some factors, alone or combined, can trigger acne attacks in women such as

Hormonal changes (puberty): - Remember, during puberty, girls experience an increase in male sex hormones called androgens. This increase causes the skin glands to become larger and make more sebum (oily secretions on your skin). Menstrual cycle: - Menstrual cycle is one of the most common triggers for acne. Acne lesions tend to form a few days before the cycle starts and disappear after the cycle is complete. Other hormonal changes, such as pregnancy and menopause, improve acne in some women. But some women have worse acne during this time.

F. Drugs: - Certain drugs, such as those used to treat epilepsy and types of depression can worsen acne in women. Stopping the use of birth control pills can play a role too.

1. Make-up: - Although not the "cause" of acne itself, using oil-based makeup can often lead to acne in women.

2. Pressure or skin friction: Friction caused by a bicycle helmet or backpack can make acne worse.

3. Family history: - Women who have / have other people in their families with a history of acne, there is a greater chance they will have it too.

Are bad women's hygiene causing acne? It's a myth that women get acne because they don't wash enough. In fact, just the opposite. Too much washing or rubbing the skin roughly can make acne worse. And cleaning a lot of surface oil does not help prevent or cure acne, because it forms under the skin. The best way to cleanse your face is to wash it gently, just twice a day with mild soap or cleanser. Be careful to remove make-up without hard scrubbing.

Can eating chocolate or oily foods cause acne in women?
While many women feel that eating chocolate or oily foods can cause acne, experts have not found a link between diet and acne.

G. Simple instructions & tips to prevent & treat acne and acne scars Be careful:

You can help prevent the appearance of acne and scars by treating your skin properly.
Gently clean: Clean your skin gently with mild soap or cleanser twice a day once in the morning and once at night. You also need to gently cleanse the skin after strenuous exercise.

1. Avoid friction: - Avoid strong soaps and rough rubbing pads. Wash thoroughly but do not often: - Wash the entire face from the bottom of the jaw to the hairline and rinse thoroughly.

2. Make-up removal: - Remove make-up gently using mild soap and water. - Top 5 myths about what causes acne - Facts versus fiction ... When it comes to explaining acne to teens and some adults, it is necessary to separate facts from fiction, because having acne can burden a person's nerves and send him to an emotional roller-coaster . Adolescence is a good time to meet new friends and start dating and being accepted by one's peers; Being misinformed about acne is due to certain myths. The following are some of the most common myths related to "causes of acne"

H. The myths that cause acne:

The first myth: Eating too much chocolate will cause acne.
  Reality: Chocolate does not cause acne or make it worse. Even the most famous doctors will insist, and can prove that there is no direct connection between chocolate and zits. You still have to follow a healthy lifestyle that reduces the amount of candy, salt and fat from your diet. Make sure you eat foods that are rich in nutrients, especially vitamin A.

Second Myth: Dirt will cause acne Reality
 This is a myth that is widely held but while it is certainly important to keep the skin always clean because oil and dirt can block the pores, dirt does NOT carry around clumping the skin cells to the follicle wall. This phenomenon occurs very deeply in the skin where cleansing will not reach it.

Third Myth: Acne has something to do with reality
Some teenagers really believe that once they get married or give birth to their first child, their zits will disappear. This variation of myth is the other side of the argument: that active sex life causes acne. This link is made only because adolescence is a period in one's life when sex is of great concern.

Fourth Myth: The climate of heat causes acne Reality
 Some people think that people who live in cold climates are less likely to get acne, while those who live in tropical regions are more susceptible to it. There is no relationship between where someone lives and the incidence of acne. It is also not the color of one's skin that is the precursor to acne, although it has been observed that dark-skinned people tend to have less severe acne compared to light-skinned individuals. Larger glands and more defined pores are common characteristics of dark skin, and these two attributes are known to protect against acne.

Fifth Myth: The first shaver will get acne Reality
When a boy reaches puberty, one of the first signs is hair on the face, especially above the lips and on the chin. The hairs are rare at first but over time, beards and mustaches appear, making boys want to shave them. After the initial shave, the hair grows back, this time thicker. When the hair grows back after each shave, it grows thicker and denser resulting in repeated shaving. Frequent shaving can cause skin.

H. The myths that cause acne:

The first myth: Eating too much chocolate will cause acne.
    Reality: Chocolate does not cause acne or make it worse. Even the most famous doctors will insist there is no direct connection between chocolate and zits. You still have to follow a healthy lifestyle for candy, salt and fat from your diet. Make sure you eat foods that are rich in nutrients, especially vitamin A.

Second Myth: Dirt will cause acne Reality
This is a myth that is very important to keep the skin always clean because of the oil and dirt block, the dirt does not carry around the skin cells to the follicle wall. This phenomenon occurs in the skin where cleansing will not reach it.

Third Myth: Acne has something to do with reality
Some teenagers really believe that once they get married or give birth to their first child, their zits will disappear. This variation of myth is the other side of the argument: that active sex life causes acne. This link is made only because adolescence is a period in one's life when sex is of great concern.

Fourth Myth: The climate of heat causes acne Reality
Some people think that people who live in cold climates are less likely to get acne, while those who live in tropical regions are more susceptible to it. There is no relationship between where someone lives and the incidence of acne. It is also a precursor to acne, although it has been observed that dark-skinned people tend to have less severe acne compared to light-skinned individuals. Larger glands and more defined pores are common characteristics of dark skin, and these two attributes are known to protect against acne.

Fifth Myth: The first shaver will get acne reality
When a boy reaches puberty, one of the first signs is hair on the face, especially above the lips and on the Chin. The hairs are rare at first but over time, beards and mustaches appear, making boys want to shave them. After the initial shave, the hair grows back, this time thicker. When the hair grows back after each shave, it grows thicker and denser resulting in repeated shaving. Frequent shaving can cause skin.
  Fact: Not at all. In fact, just the opposite. Squeezing acne can cause follicle contents to break into the tissue rather than expressed on the surface of the skin. This can cause tissue damage and scarring. Sometimes medical providers will open acne or cysts with special tools designed not to damage the tissue, but you should avoid squeezing or picking acne.

I. Benefits of Vitamin E for Acne

 Rediscovering Vitamin E ... The efficient & important ingredient of Clear Skin Max Introduction to Tocopherol acetate (Vitamin E) Tocopherol is the scientific name for vitamin E. Tocopherol acetate is a soluble version of lipids from vitamin E. Natural vitamin E is used as a powerful antioxidant and scavenger free radicals. One of the most dynamic natural moisturizers, it also helps renew skin cells. Therefore, until now, vitamin E has been tried to treat almost every type of skin lesion (problem) that can be imagined. For the same reason, many doctors and lay dermatologists use vitamin E regularly to improve scarring and some doctors recommend topical vitamin E (applied locally) after surgery or skin coating.

What is vitamin E? - Vitamin E is considered as one of the most soluble anti-oxidant and free radical scavengers in oil. This is also a photo protector, protecting the cellular membrane from free radical damage.

Some basic functions related to vitamin E
Vitamin E is one of the most famous antioxidants found in the human body. This means that its main biological function is to protect lipids from oxidation and free radical damage. Therefore, preservative functions basically because of its ability to protect against oxidation.
Vitamin E is included among vitamins that protect the skin and mucous membranes.
 This increases the loss of trans-epidermal water, thus improving the appearance of rough, dry and damaged skin.
It also helps maintain connective tissue.
Vitamin E seals the connective tissue and blood vessel walls, makes the wound heal quickly and keeps the skin elastic and smooth.
Vitamin E also prevents aging of the skin.
This prevents irritation due to sun exposure. If applied before sun exposure, it acts to protect against epidermal cell damage caused by inflammation.
It also counteracts the increased functioning of the sebaceous glands (as in acne) and reduces excessive skin pigmentation.

J. Causes of Acne

What Causes Acne? There are many factors that cause acne / acne and it varies in severity. Stress can cause an increase, some side effects of certain drugs, even allergies. Acne attacks can be short-lived or can last for several months or several years. Some people will only get acne that are very mild, others will get very severe acne even though this is considered to run in the family, so if acne or zits have occurred in your family you will likely suffer some in your life. Many things can irritate or make acne light but acne is caused from when the hair roots in your skin's pores are blocked and the sebaceous glands produce a lot of oil. Although no one really believes why acne occurs, it is believed that could be the result of the following: -
Bacteria accumulate in the sebaceous glands
Collection of dead skin cells
The sebaceous glands are too active to produce too much oil due to hormonal fluctuations
Using oily makeup, such as oily foundation and moisturizer that is too thick

The sebaceous glands are blocked when oil (also known as sebum) cannot leave open pores so that it becomes obstruction. The skin around the pores can swell and white blockages formed from dead oil cells can form, this is what is known as the whitehead. If the plug does not completely close the pore you get a black appearance called blackhead. Acne can become infected when whiteheads break under the top layer of skin. This allows dead cells, bacteria and oil to seep into the surrounding tissue. If this outbreak is very widespread and severe, you can develop an infection called cystic acne that is very large, unsightly, and painful red bumps. Even if the boil is gone, you can leave a permanent scar. Proper treatment of this is very important to minimize the possibility of permanent scarring so visit your doctor as soon as possible. It is important to remember that everyone can suffer from spots at any time even after treatment but will become much lighter.

Your skin at a glance What, where & why? Introduction - Your skin is the largest and one of the most important organs of your body that performs several important functions such as protection, hydration, sensation and temperature regulation. The internal structure of your skin, however, is even more interesting. Let's find some of the main structural features of your own skin:
Skin layer - Your skin consists of two main layers, epidermis and dermis, both of which are located in the subcutaneous tissue (underlying).

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